Friday, September 12, 2008

Assignment 1C

The first person that I chose to write about is David C. Laurice. I learned a couple of interesting facts Dave. One thing I think is cool is that he has collected Caribbean music most of his life. Another thing is he is a teacher and he has his own radio show.

Dave definitely had a lot of interesting facts that he learned about Paulo Friere. Something new I learned is his ideas about understanding the world of the children that teachers work with. There was one particular quote by Paulo on Dave's page that I felt I could really relate to. It is the following:

"Educators need to know what happens in the world of the children with whom they work. They need to know the universe of their dreams, the language with which they skillfully defend themselves from the aggressiveness of their world. What they know independently of the school and how they know it."
-Paulo Freire
The second persons blog that I read was by Melanie J. Hall. She is taking this class to fulfill a credit in the general education area and she lives 37 miles from the J.C.
The first interesting fact that I learned from Melanie's blog about Paulo Friere is that in 1962 he taught 300 sugarcane workers how to read and write in only 45 days. I think that is very impressive. Also, in 1964 Paulo was imprisoned as a traitor for 70 days and exiled to Bolivia.

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