Monday, August 25, 2008

Assignment 1B

Paulo Freire wrote a book called the "Pedagogy of The Oppressed". Freire was known for attacking what was called the "Banking Concept of Learning".In this concept it was believed that the student was an empty account until the teacher filled it. Freire strongly believed that education was to be interactive between the parent and teacher.

In 1946, Freire became the director of the Pernambuco Dept. Of Education and culture of SESI ( The Social Service of Industry). This was a government agency that was paid for by the factory workers where they created programs to better the standards of living for their workers.

There are many Paulo Freire Institutes around the world but the first was established in 1991 in Sao Paulo. It was established to extend and elaborate upon his theories of popular education. The headquarters is at the UCLA Graduate School of Information Studies. Here you can find many of the Paulo Freire archives. The director is Dr. Carlos Torres.

Sources of information:


*Freires life and work
By Peter Lownd-UCLA

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